Five Poisons Allowed by the FDA

Five Poisons Allowed by the FDA…And How You Can Avoid Them

By: Brad Lemley

No government agency has more thoroughly thrown in its lot with corporate agriculture than the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Here are five poisons that the FDA has decided are perfectly safe for your and your family’s meals that you’ll want to avoid:


Purified, crystalline MSG has been around since 1909 and is added to Asian dishes because it stimulates a particular taste receptor, the one responsible for the so-called “fifth taste.”  But MSG is a classic excitotoxin, which means it stimulates cells to the point of damage or death.  Brain cells re particularly at risk.  MSG consumption may ultimately lead to learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and more.

SOLUTION:  The FDA requires food manufacturers to list MSG, so check labels carefully and avoid any food that contains it.


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener-brand names are Equal and NutraSweet-that also appears to be an excitotoxin.  Research suggests it may cause nerve damage.

SOLUTION:  Avoid aspartame, and artificial sweeteners of all kinds.


Hydrogenated oils are added to food to increase shelf life, and are also found in crackers, cookies, salad dressings, and bread.  But the method by with hydrogenated oil is produced results in the creation of trans fats, which contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.  Fortunately, it’s becoming difficult to find a food label in America that contains a listing for hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.  Unfortunately, polyunsaturated, non-hydrogenated soybean oil is now typically being used in deep-fat fryers, and this stuff when heated oxidizes very easily, rendering it highly inflammatory.  So the oil boiling away at your local Burger Hut is now possibly even worse than the melted Crisco it replaced!

SOLUTION:  Avoid hydrogenated oils and foods deep-fried in their replacement, nonhydrogenated soybean oil.


Sodium nitrate is found in processed meats such as bacon, ham, corned beef, hot dogs, and much more.  Researchers are divided, but some studies indicate that consuming processed meats increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, with the possible culprit being sodium nitrate.

SOLUTION:  Have some bacon now and then-the saturated fat is good for you-but generally, stick to unprocessed meats.


High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the major drivers of the obesity epidemic.  It entered the American food system in the early 1970s and is now found in processed foods ranging from salad dressing and ketchup to jams, jellies, ice cream, and many others.

SOLUTION:  Don’t consume anything that has HFCS as an ingredient.  Bad as this sweetener is, other ingredients in foods that contain it are also likely bad, as HFCS is used only in the cheapest, lowest-quality foodstuffs.